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Why Study Piano?  Playing music strengthens and nourishes our mind, body, and spirit. It is a uniquely human activity that engages all parts of the brain. Music-making is a healthy emotional outlet that can be enjoyed by all ages, alone or in a group. Piano study is a lifelong learning journey that is fun, challenging, and very rewarding! 

What to Expect. Learning any instrument is a long process. It usually takes 3 - 4 years of lessons and practice to play at a conservatory level 1 (e.g. Royal Conservatory of Music; Conservatory Canada; etc.).  Be aware that conservatory exam levels do not coincide in any way with school grade. For example, just because a child is in grade 3 at school does not imply they should start their music studies at conservatory level 3.

I create a comfortable atmosphere for my students to encourage focus, an easy dialogue, and receptivity to creative activities. I work with students and parents to find suitable goals and a manageable practice schedule based on the student’s ability and available practice time. Students learn efficient and effective practice methods and are given weekly assignments. They are expected to practice 5 days a week. Students see their weekly achievement in their progress chart, kept in their music binder. Music theory, music history, and composition are included in their coursework.

Students must perform a group of pieces and a duet in our final Spring Recital. They may choose to participate in other fun recitals, workshops, scholarship competitions, festivals, and exams throughout the year. As a member of the Ontario Registered Music Teacher Association, my students have access to certain scholarships and recitals. These can be found at our website.

How much do lessons cost? Cost per lesson depends on level and duration. All students start with a year of 30-minute beginner lessons. As they advance, their lesson duration lengthens. Specific lesson fees are found in my current Studio Policy

How do I register for lessons? Please                      to set up a phone or in-person interview. We'll discuss scheduling and goals.

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